Hitting The Road


For a few anyway. Heading to Virginia to work the Virginia Renaissance Festival with a couple added gigs at the end including a trip to Alaska for The Alaska Scottish Highland Games.

I need to try to do better about taking pictures but I'm really not a photographer, nor do I particularly enjoy having my picture taken.

Pray for me, y'all. It;s going to be 8 cats and 2 humans in a 36' RV. A couple of the weekends we have a bagpiper crashing with us so it's going to be interesting for sure.

I have some concerns about covid. I've done very well protecting myself but the property we stay on for this festival has already had one case in the house and there are generally 15ish people staying a tthe house on any given night. I hope folks understand if I'm not Captain Social Pants. I am still taking n95 precautions when I have to be indoors with people and am still socially distancing outside when I'm not wearing a mask. I don't think this is over-reactive behavior. I've enjoyed not having a cold or a flu for the past couple of years so masking will continue for me..

Now I need to go back to packing and cleaning this camper so when I come home it's spotless.

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