I'm super excited to be participating for the very first time. Unfortunately, my match didn't give me much info to go on so I've reached out to try to get some insight.
As far as my own preference form - I could have listed a million practical things. That is my usual fall back when anyone asks me about what they can buy me as a gift. I'm gonna let it go this time and let life surprise me a little.
Today was Cyber Monday. I took advantage and ordered some planner stickers to make keeping up with my bullet journal easier and more fun. 4 sets of 2018 mini calendar stickers as well as 12 sheets of seasonal stickers and month headers. So my journal will actually be sort of pretty and not just functional.
I wrote up my key today and just need to port it into the notebook. I'm still trying to settle on a monthly spread. I've drawn up 4 or 5 examples and just can't seem to settle on one. Thankfully, it can always be changed the next month if the current layout doesn't work. The fluidity of a bullet journal is the best thing about it.
I'll be spending time tomorrow finishing up December's monthly spread so I can be ready for some daily entries. December is a busy month so this is a good time to test and see if I'll maintain a bullet journal.
I just finished up two very hard weeks at LARF. We do three student days the week before Thanksgiving and then open for Black Friday. I survived and so did everyone else!
I get to return to my normal 5 off/ 2 on schedule for another two weeks before likely heading into Winter hiatus until April.
I really need to find a way to manifest a new to me 25' Class C RV into my world. I need a reliable home. I have offers to work but can't do it because my 30 year old camper van just isn't up to it. While I love the van and it has been good to me for 5 years, I need more space at this point. I'd also like to not have to worry it's going to leave me sitting on the side of the road. So the van will likely be going up for sale soon. I'd like to get what I paid to replace the carb and tires for it. It needs love from someone who can invest the time and finances. I need functionality right now.
I'll be headed towards Texas around Dec 20. Couple days in Houston and a couple days in The Woods before turning back and going North to MD.
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