Goodbye Anchovy

My old guy passed away on September 12. Sadly, I wasn't home with him. I was on my way home from a trip to Colorado, riding in a car somewhere in Kansas when I got the call from my bestie (and pet sitter) that Anchovy wasn't looking very well. I trust my girl, Jen. We worked together at an animal hospital for a lot of years; if she says it's time then it's time. I'm exceptionally saddened that I wasn't here to be with him. We were together almost 17 years, why couldn't he wait three more days?

I'll miss his little alien looking self. I always jokingly said if Anchovy were a person he would be a gay French dude. He's going to be terribly missed.

Pike on the left, Anchovy on the right. Both have now passed.
Oddly, he left in the same time frame that he came in. Pike was my first kitty and when he turned 6 Anchovy came to live with us. Pike passed 6 years ago and now Anchovy has followed him.

My little family is shrinking alarmingly. We've gone from 7 bodies in the van to 4 in a little over a year.  Dandy. Dot and Tadpole are all close to the same age 6/7 so hopefully we won't be suffering any more losses any time soon.

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