We're fast approaching the beginning of week 6 (of 9) of the Maryland Renaissance Festival. So far this season we've had a really hot weekend, a rained out day (where we are still open but only to amuse ourselves really) and an iffy weekend where rain was forecast but then didn't happen to attendance was low and slow. This weekend looks to be a fully rained out mess. Hurricane Joaquin is hanging out down south and pulling steady rains over Maryland. The forecast is that it will continue through the weekend, although the chance of rain seems to go down every time I look. I don't see us escaping without a weekend full of rain.
I still haven't had new pictures taken. I need to seek someone out to do that for me on the next nice weekend. My hair has grown out quite a bit from last years chop job.
I have managed to get sick. This week has been miserable. First, I slept weird on Monday night and my neck has been screaming at me since. Today is the first day I've woken up and could move without being in extreme pain. Second, I have a respiratory infection. Pretty sure that's from breathing in so much dust at MDRF. This year the dust seems like it's worse than it has been in years past. I really just want to stay in bed but it's Friday and I need to head over the the shop to clean up last weeks dust. At least with the rain I won't have to worry about that this week. Hell, I may only work half days both days if it continues to piss rain.
News at the Inn:
I moved my bed to the upstairs attic which means the dinette is now a table again. I'm digging the change. I'm hoping that once I feel better I'll sleep better in the upstairs bed. The cats are finally starting (after about 5 days) to explore the new bed and all of the space. Dandy is, of course, sleeping up there with me but the other cats still are unsure of it all. Even Dot who had made the smaller attic her domain isn't spending much time up there with the new bed.
I'll be in a mad rush to fix my carburetor as soon as MDRF ends. I took a job managing a booth at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. I'm looking forward to working through December. After that it depends on the weather where I end up. I want to come back north and either go to mom's in DE or come back to friends in MD in time for Christmas.
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