Bagpipes, Punk and Bellydances

This past weekend was a whirlwind of activity.

Friday night The Rogues played a gig in Virginia at John Strongbows Tavern. This was out second gig in this venue and it is always a terrific time. We were joined by a fabulous fiddle player which has been sorely missed on our stage as well as a lovely bellydancer (who is also a great friend and our current landlord) Kashira Ahlam.
Myself and Kashira Ahlam

The Rogues - Kyle, Ewan, Eddie and Randy Photo by Wayne David
Saturday brought more bagpipes but in a very different way. I headed out to Baltimore's Power Plant Live to see Dropkick Murphys. You just can't beat a Murphys show for $11. I ended up on stage (as always) during Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced and it was one of the better shows of their I've attended. I saw them this past March at another venue where tickets were $50 and the show wasn't nearly as good.
Myself, Jenny B and Stacy
My Tweet sends me to the BIG SCREEN on stage!
It was a packed show! Photo by Jenny B
Us on the far left on stage during Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced. Photo by Stacy
My view from behind Tim Brennan on stage
My take home swag from being on stage! Darosa an Brennan picks!

This was one of the best nights out in a long time. 4 people commented that I look like Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) from The Walking Dead. I never thought about i but I'm glad those people brought it up since I will be attending the Dover Comic Con the first weekend in August - now I have a cosplay costume to work on.

Sunday brought about the Amustela Studios Dedication Hafla (hafla is an Arabic word meaning a party or social gathering) where Kashira Ahlam as well as other dancers performed in the theme of dedication. It was a lovely time full of amazing dances. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful and talented friends and artists.

All in all it was a busy, fulfilling, and ache causing weekend. I am still physically sore from the Dropkick Murphys show but I'll get over it. 

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