Boots, Hogmanay and Hoopy 30/30 Challenge

Tobacco Elk Medieval Moccasins boot
These are my boots  made by Medieval Moccasins. Soft tobacco colored elk leather. Seriously, to die for. Yes, this is random but it's the first chance I've had to get pictures of them and I was wearing them to one of the best parties on the planet.

Ros and Paul Shepherd throw the best New Year Eve party I have ever experienced. It's called a Hogmanay. Picture, if you will, the most talented musicians on a variety of Celtic instruments, tons of people - from everywhere. Fabulous food. A midnight parade around the neighborhood (seriously) complete with bagpipes, percussion, flags in which the entire party takes place. Neighbors come out of their houses with their kids and cameras - it truly is a spectacle. Unfortunately, this was their last one here in the states as they are moving to Spain some time this year. I am so blessed that I got to participate at this party for the past two years.

While at the party I took a bit of time for myself. I've agreed to participate in a hooping 30 days challenge - hoop for 30 minutes a day for 30 days. So at 1am I took to the empty street in front of the house and hooped for about an hour under the new year sky. What a great way to start a new year and a new challenge.

Stay tuned for daily hooping updates.

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