A Plea for Help

As many readers know I spent the winter, spring and beginning of summer in Texas. Spring found me in San Marcos, TX staying on the property of some friends. Their company, Medieval Moccasins, offered me an income where I would not have otherwise had one. Income that allowed me to travel back up north to Maryland to finish out the summer with my friends and family. The company is also providing me with work through the summer and early fall at the Maryland Renaissance Festival.

In June, while Randy and I were staying and working with them, the owner of the company, Ingrid Wendt, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The news has hit the family hard and has affected ALL areas of their lives. Working in the Renaissance Festival circuit, many of us do not have health insurance and Ingrid's medical bills are certain to be over $100,000 and the doctors and hospitals are requiring a lot of treatment payments in advance of care being given.

I am reaching out to you, my readers, and asking that, if you have the means to, please donate to her medical fund. You can make a payment by going to PayPal and sending donations to ingridhealingfund@gmail.com or physical checks made out to Ingrid Healing Fund can be mailed to the following address:

Ingrid Healing Fund ℅ Klaus Weiland
2350 Hugo Road
San Marcos, TX 78666

The Wendt-Weiland family is important to me and important to many of us in the Renaissance circuit. The family is always quick with a laugh, some comfort if you're down, and shoes for your feet so it's only fitting that we give back to them. You can follow updates about Ingrid's health at our Facebook Group, Ingrid Wendt Healing Fund.

The Rogues, my sig-other's band, are also hosting a fundraiser in Crownsville, MD on October 19 at the American Legion Hall. We will have belly dancers, musicians and the wonderful Michael Rosman (Squire on the Wire from MDRF) as emcee. More entertainment announcements coming soon. We will also be doing an auction and other fundraising activities. You can find out more about the event by visiting the official event page.

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