One Year Anniversary

No, this isn't a post about love or Valentine's Day. Today marks the one year anniversary of me having no fixed address. One this day last year I was officially declared a trespasser in my own house as the property management auctioned my house the day before for $1400 in back ground rent.

Today marks the one year anniversary of my freedom and I still swear it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I could be suffering cold weather in Maryland but instead I'm enjoying 70 degrees worth of sunshine, open windows, chirping birds and budding plants.

Huge thanks to all of my friends who have helped me along in the last year either by being supportive or allowing me to crash their driveways and houses. Special thanks to Dave Hufstader for creating where I met tons of terrific people and even allowing me to crash his own home and driveway in Maine for several months during the heat of summer. Jen and Ed Hall for letting me crash their driveway and shower when I came home during the heat of summer for the Annapolis Irish Festival (where I met my sweetie). Biggest thanks of all go out to Silver for being my life support, safety net and for not telling me I was completely crazy for wanting to live in a van with 6 cats. It's been a fabulous year and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this Valentine's Day - Randy, I adore you tons! I'm so glad we connected and have been able to spend the last 8 months together on the road. We are perfectly opposite on many things and somehow it works. Here's to many more days, weeks, months and years of laughter and fun. <3

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