Hitting The Road Again, Briefly

We've been in Houston since just before Thanksgiving and originally planned to stay here until we moved back to the northeast for late spring/ summer when Randy's band has gigs scheduled. Those plans have changed. Where we're staying now is costing us $300 + electric per month for parking my van, Randy's 36' RV and the car. That can be pricy when you have very little income.

The next couple weeks will see us packing up and moving nearly 3 hours West to San Marcos and free parking. We'll be paying electric but that isn't a big deal. We been graciously offered a spot to park by some friends who live out that way. With that offer also comes the offer of paid work with our friends at Medieval Moccasins. Seems they are short a salesperson and also shoe makers. I haven't seen the area yet but I can only hope I'll be happier there than here. Houston has been fun but the parking situation sucks. We're on pavement and next to a very busy road. At least there are trees and birds here and some grassy areas to walk the cats. I'm hoping the property we're moving to is more rural since it sits at least 30 minutes outside of Austin. Guess we'll see when we get there.

I'll definitely be happy with a change of scenery. I'd gotten used to being in a new area every month or so. This move definitely has me excited.

This weekend we'll be visiting the Sherwood Forest Faire. I'll get to dust off the garb and get dressed up for a day of reveling and drinking. We'll also get to see some old friends and make some new ones I'm sure. I'll try to remember to take pictures (which I am really bad about)


  1. I thought you guys were in OK now, and gave up on seeing you. I'm in Austin just 30 mins north of San Marcos. Email me once you guys get settled in and we'll figure something out.


    1. We were in Oklahoma just long enough for Randy to have surgery. We should be in San Marcos by the first week of March!
