“Never worry about what to do, simply decide how to be.” Trevor Emdon.
This quote simply sums up 2012 for me.

2011 was a year of crashing. My entire world started crumbling with the loss of my job and  impending loss of my home.

2012 became a year of enlightenment.

I'll say it did start as a year that looked like the 2011 trend was going to continue but thankfully the house situation finally resolved itself with the auction of my home on Valentine's Day. I'm so glad the house went early in the year because, as I'm now fond of saying, I lost my house but gained my freedom. It allowed me to implement the above quote from Trevor Emdon into my world. I was no longer tied to the stress of being outed from my home. I was no longer concerned with how I would survive. Late 2011 and early 2012 saw me learning a crash course into the world of van-dwelling, boondocking, RVing and being a happy and fulfilled but technically homeless person.

2012 taught me about the world of Van-Dwellers and Vannin'. The year also allowed me to realize the simple gypsy lifestyle I'd been desiring. I am a better person for all of these things.

Mid to late 2012 saw me stumbling my way into a world entirely unfamiliar. It taught me that there are good people in the world and that, as long as you are an intelligent and aware individual, you can trust strangers.

This time frame also brought about a personal political stance for me. Until this past year I only had a slight interest in the government of this country. Our country has been running as it currently is - unchecked by its people for a very long time. The government has not evolved to suit our needs and indeed seems to me to only serve itself. This has to change or none of us will have a future. More of us need to pay attention, get involved.

2012 also brought a wonderful man into my scene. Someone who not only understands my choice of smaller living but who also lives small. A man who adores my cats as much as he adores me. Best of all Randy is someone who just lets me be myself - without judgement and with the patience of a saint.

In 2012 I spent significant time in 13 states and drove The Inn over 4,000 miles. My total travel for the year (including the trips in the car) was over 8,000 miles.

2013 is going to be the year of roots - sort of. My plans for this year are to find a piece of land to build a homestead. Specifically a tiny house that is mostly off the grid. Travel will still continue to be a big part of my life as will living small, volunteerism, vannin' and crafting.

2013 is going to be a fabulous year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2013 Cherry!! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!! Love the change in stance on politics ;)

    Bug hugs and happy homesteading!!
