Crazy Few Months

It's been a while since I wrote an update here and since I'm currently taking a break from preparing the Inn for travel I thought I'd get something up here.

Northern Renaissance Festivals have finally ended for the season so I'm preparing the Inn for a long trip South. Finally headed to Texas (wanted to be there by the beginning of October but due to the BF's obligations that was postponed) in a few days.

It's going to be a long journey since I'm caravanning with a 36' motorhome that will be towing a car. It might be a nice break for The Inn since I tend to drive with a lead foot. We're also making several stops along the way. North Carolina is our first stop to visit with the BF's folks and take in a play. Then we're off to Louisiana for some teaching gigs as well as the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. It will be nice to see some familiar faces and meet new friends there. After that we're on our way to Texas for the Texas Renaissance Festival and then Dickens on the Strand - both of these events sound like a hootload of fun.

Once we hit Texas we'll be staying with some friends and eventually purchasing some homesteading land (hopefully).

My life since I took to the road in April has been more interesting, more fun, more challenging (in some ways) and more fulfilling than I could have dreamed. It's brought me love, light and laughter which my life was sincerely missing. The challenges have all been growing experiences and my stress on the road has been about a tenth of what it used to be so I'm definitely meeting the future with open arms and seeing the world with wonder.

Here's hoping everyone had a terrific Halloween and that all of my friends survived Hurricane Sandy with minimal interruption to their daily lives. I'm hoping once spring comes back around to be able to get out to some van runs with The Inn (and I might be able to show her too since the fuzz patrol can stay in the RV) and hopefully make it to The 2013 Van Nats.

I'll update again soon!

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