I am amazed at the speed with which this year is passing. I guess the saying is true that time really does fly when you're having fun.
Last Thursday saw me heading towards Columbus, Indiana for the Scottish Festival. The Rogues were playing so I came along to keep Randy company - not that I was very good at that since Wednesday night while we were doing laundry I started getting a sore throat. Sure enough it turned into full blown Bronchitis (which I'm still battling).
The festival was a lot of fun. I picked up a new silver charm because there was enough going on to merit a keepsake :)
We made it back to Maryland Monday afternoon and I'm damned glad to being doing nothing for a bit. Yesterday became a I-refuse-to-get-out-of-pjs day and while I can't do that today I'm going to stay comfy as long as I can.
The band has a week off which means we have the weekend to ourselves with no work commitments. We've decided to go to the renfest as tourists. I don't even want to garb this week; just want to go, eat some food, drink some cider and see the shows I haven't gotten a chance to see. Looks like some of my besties will be out this weekend too which means I'll get to spend some time with them - YAY!
I've gotten a couple of emails and FB messages asking if I was going to make it to Keystone, unfortunately the answer is no. The band has a gig that day in MD so hopefully I'll be able to make the next run if it's close enough.
I still have my van but confess to not spending much time in it these days. Randy has a 30+ ft RV and we use that most of the time. I'm slowly acclimating the cats into his rig. My plans are still to head towards Texas this winter. I got extremely lucky that Randy's plans were similar and so our roads were already running parallel :)
Life is good. I feel good (aside from the Bronchitis) and I'm happier than I can recall being in many, many years.
After this week off we'll be starting the running again. There's a trip to Iowa coming up very soon.
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