Long Time, No Update

Good grief it's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I left Maine Thursday a week ago to head toward CT to the Super Somer van run and just made it into MD yesterday. I stopped and spent time in 6 states in that week and a half so prepare for a long update.

The van run was a blast. Brian from My Time My Way showed up which was a very pleasant unexpected surprise.

From Somers, CT Brian and I drove to West Chesterfield, NH to hang out at Mark's place. His land is stunning. He's done so much landscaping but it all looks very natural. Good sized swimming pond, lots of wooded parking, power, good company. it was a great time. I was sad to have to leave but I needed to meet up with some friends. I'm also sad that I left my plants and sunglasses behind.

Met up with friends in NH and we drove to Interval, NH for a Rogues concert. it was a good time, mostly

From there I split ways with my friends and headed toward Cherry Hill, NJ to the Monster Mania convention. I caught up with Jen and Ed who had a vendor table. Also tried to catch up with Doug Bradley, got as far as saying hello before his insecure girlfriend jumped down my throat in a hallway after I walked away from him. Yay drama! In any case, I didn't speak to him again.

I met up with John Russo in the hotel bar and we sat and talked politics. He said he had a book to give me but we lost track of each other in the VIP party. John, by the way, gave me one of the best compliments in my life. He said I radiated positive energy. What a nice thing to say to someone.

I also had a chance to meet Carl Weathers and had a chance to see Barbie Wilde and Simon Bamford again. They were delightful as ever.

I want to give a huge shout of thanks to the security guys I ended up hanging with. They were nice enough to offer me their shower after they left to work in the morning and to a traveler who doesn't see many decent showers that's a huge thing!

From NJ I headed for Manheim, PA to the PA Renaissance Festival. Their faire is very different from the MD one but still a terrific time. First of all the staff are amazing from the parking attendants to the actors - all exceptional. When I pulled in I asked if I could possibly park in a shaded spot since I have cats and it gets hot in the van when it's in the sun. They accommodated the request with no issues at all.

After two days at the PA faire I now find myself parked at the MD faire where I'm hoping to stay for a couple weeks. Just depends what goes on.

Sorry if this seems a little disjointed, I'm exhausted and I'm probably forgetting a lot. Not getting to update in that long really messes with everything. I did take some pictures and will try to get them posted soon.


  1. :) I'm just outside of Acadia National Park! Missed Astro due to enjoying the drive!! I had an awesome time hanging and thanks for making this puppies first evant an easy one! No rocks, only smiles!!

    Have a great fall where ever you may end up!!

    1. It was great getting to hang out with you! I have no doubt that our paths will cross again sometime.

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    hey.... how long will you be in MD (meaning which weekends are you going to be at the faire? I would love to come out and hang out a bit, but can't do it labor day weekend)

    1. I'll be in and out of MD for the next month. Will be at MD faire this weekend (Sat, Sun, Mon since the faire runs three days this weekend for the holiday) then we're off to somewhere before being back at the MD faire the weekend of the 22nd for Celtic weekend - you should come out then :) Or we can get together for dinner sometime in between all of that.

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The 22nd is definitely a possibility. I had plans for that weekend that were going to take me out of town. But those got changed, so that Sunday is a definite possibility now. I'll keep you posted. If not, then yes... definitely dinner at some point before you leave MD
