Tracking Visitors

So it's no secret I have a visitor counter that tells me where folks are referred from. I use it so I can make sure I'm linking back to folks who are linking to me.

In the past month I've had some odd Google search hits. This one is from yesterday:

2 Jul08:09:05 PMChrome 20.0
Thailand FlagThailandCat Telecom Public Company Ltd

What this says is that someone in Thailand visited my blog via a Google search for "pussy on the road" the "#1" means I am the number one search hit for that search term.

Pussy on the road ... fitting.

Last week I had a blog hit from someone in Singapore (I think) that was from a search term "chili powder on pussy" or some such shiznit.


  1. hahahaha That is too funny. I'm sure what they are looking for is not of the feline variety!!!!

  2. Considering the fact that part of the name of your rig also has a sexual connotation, most likely most of those searches are not about Cats or travel in a van ;).
