Just a Short Update

I'm still chillin' in Maine. I've been on a DIY and crafting kick for the past couple of days. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up and post pics of my DIY needle felting mat as well as a nifty - or what I hope will be nifty little Halloween Mason Jar Needle Felted craft.

I'm curious how many crafters we have reading here. Maybe some of you would be interested in a Rubbertramp craft swap around the end of winter? Leave a comment here if you can and if you have trouble with the blogger comments you can always drop me an email via the social media buttons over -----there ---->

If there's enough interest I'll set up a page where we can all work out the details as well as a theme :)

Oh and in other good news - I finally figured out the coding to get threaded comments to work. It took a lot of hours and a lot of cursing at the screen but it works. I don't particularly like the look of it but I'll fix that some other day. I'm just glad I'm getting to use this theme and not having to work to personalize another.


  1. I can't do threaded comments, either, but I lack the savvy to fix that. Did you need to know cascading style to make those changes?

    1. It was CSS coding yes. I'll put up a post with how I fixed mine. Maybe it will help you.

  2. Oh I craft but lately not as much as I would enjoy. Working 12 hour days to that to a soul. *SIGH*
    BTW your search button keeps bring me to a WP page. Not the one I want to see though.

    1. Oh thanks for cluing me in on the search. I'll see about fixing that today. Guess it;s bound to happen when you use a theme that was written for WP and then converted for Blogger. Thanks for the FB add!

  3. I craft. I have my beading supplies and a makeup box of art supplies in the van. Are you talking about swapping made items or supplies? I would like to know more info on what you are thinking?

    Also shipping is expensive considering I'm in Canada. So something small that could fit in an envelope would be cool. I'm up for that.

    1. I'm definitely thinking something small. What got me started on this idea was Stumbling Upon a forum that did an altered tin craft swap. Everyone got a name with a couple of general likes and then crafted an Altoid (or other similarly small) tin for that person. Something with a general theme like using a tin or some other re-purposed object.

      I also tote a ton of crafting supplies with me but rarely seem to do much with them. I can needle felt, bead, braid, scrapbook, knit, paint, sculpt ... heh. Now I'm considering picking up some metal clay crafting stuff. Want to have a go at torch firing my own charm. =)
