Dyed Clothing

It occurred to me that I forgot to post the pictures of the finished product when I tie dyed the shirts so here they are. I made one for the 4th of July, 1 for the irish festival, also dyed a pair of cream shorts green to hide a stain. The second shirt from the left was one that had a stain on it already so I colored that too and then one just because I liked the colors.

I'm definitely going to do more in the future. - maybe I'll start selling them.

Today I'm planning to dye a rather bright orange renaissance chemise to a more usable color. I'm aiming for a rusty red, darker orange or just brown if all else fails. I got the chemise for a steal (anyone who buys renaissance garb will tell you it isn't cheap) since the color is almost an 80s kill your eyes orange which is definitely a color they didn't wear back then. It's a full length chemise so I definitely want to start using it especially for warmer faire days.


  1. Can you describe you tie-dye process?

    1. Tie-dying is pretty straight forward. You can buy any color dye you want from the craft store. I look for brands that don't need an ash soak like RIT brand. Ball up your shirts however you want - there's a ton of ways you can squish a shirt to dye. The two on the right were folded accordion style and then I put rubber bands every two inches and alternated colors ON the rubber bands and leaving a bit of white between the colors.

      The third from the right was a shirt I already had a stain on and tried to tie dye using black Simply Spray - it didn't turn out very good so I spiraled the shirt on the floor and then wrapped 5 rubber bands around it and splashed some black dye all over - leaving some white. It turned out on the blue side but I still dig it. A happy accident I suppose.

      The shirt on the left I spiraled in two spots and wrapped 5 rubber bands around it and then went to town with purple, red and yellow dye until the shirt was saturated - not so much so that it drips but you'll have to turn it over and do the colors on the other side. Make sure no white is showing.

      The green short - I just hosed them down with dye. I ran out of green and had to mix more half through so the color isn't solid - yet another happy accident. They're my favorite shorts.

      After you get your dye on the object depending what your dye calls for you might need to let them marinate. I left the shirts tied in individual bags for about 3 hours. Then I hung them on a rack and used a hose to get the extra dye out. Rinse until the water is clear then they can go in the washer on a cold setting and dry as normal.

      Most dyes I've used can be done with the object damp or dry. I use both methods.

  2. That looks pretty cool and I bet stains wouldn't harm it much. Good way to hide them.

    Cherry I have been reading your blog for a little while now and like it. Noticed the new blog theme. What a difference.

    I wanted to say hi and mention that I have created a solo female vandwellers forum which I was hoping if your interested you would check out. It's here http://tinsilly.com/solofemalevandwellers/index.php

    Keep us updated to what your up to. I find it fascinating that you have so many cats in a van. hehe.
