Gillett, PA - Grass Cutting Capital of the USA

I have never in my life seen people so fanatical about cutting their grass. They cut it even when it hasn't grown enough to be cut. Sometimes twice a day. Seriously.


  1. Wait until you hit the little Mormon towns in, a perfectly neat, clean and tidy universe with all the lawns not being over a quarter inch long....amazing....

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    You ought to see us shovel snow

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    In yur ABOUT ME YOU SAY "traveling with 6 cats and a mouse on very little income. My goal is to spend the next year doing volunteer work. This blog chronicles my adventures, successes and fumbles.
    Should not be hard to do. When I was volunteer to cut the grass at our local Amer Legion it was amazing how many jobs were available when you volunteer.
