Oh wait, I'm the Captain aren't I?
Went out to the van this morning to undertake trying to remove the 1987 microwave of doom. As soon as I stepped in I noticed a wetness on the dinette table that shouldn't have been there. Directly above is my roof vent. Now, it wasn't a lot of water, maybe a tablespoon or so but enough to send alarms off in my head. Is this something else I'm going to have to fix/ replace? Upon further inspection there was also roof wetness on the opposite side but yet none on the floor.
After some chit-chatting with a friend I resigned myself to having to replace the vent or at the very least reseal it. But then I got an idea. I can actually see the top of my van from inside my house so I sprinted to the window and lo' and behold the damned vent wasn't closed all the way.
I haven't messed with the vent since I bought the van for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't have the handle to crank it open and closed. Second, I have enough on my plate without attempting to function it and actually breaking it. I don't have reason to need to open or close it right now so it was something low on my list of things to check.
I removed the screen and grabbed a pair of pliers and was able to actually get it closed. HUZZAH! It's supposed to rain more tonight so I'm glad I'm not going to have to find a way to get up there and cover the vent with plastic. Hopefully this will solve the issue - at least until I actually want to use it and have to replace the fan because all of the blades are broken off from the previous owner.
When the time comes, replace the entire vent fixture, if its a standard 14x14 vent, with a fantastic fan, far better and quiet fan which will help cool the rig down by being able to draw air through the windows and exhaust it out onto the roof.